Wednesday, April 30, 2014

So much for no new clothes in April...

Remember when I said in my awkwardly titled March budgeting bloggers post that I was going to work on inventorying my closet and not buying new things in April?

Yeah, that failed.

I'm not sure what happened; it might have been letting my guard down and buying that first item. It might have been winning a $50 Target gift card on Jen's blog (Librarian for Life and Style) and deciding to buy a couple of cardigans with it. It might have been going to the mall with my husband one Friday night. Whatever it was, I fell hard.

I spent around $140 this month NOT counting the $50 Target card. Gulp. 

Bicycle button down, Target, $16

Anchor print dress, Old Navy, $10

Nautical sweater #1, Old Navy, $7

Nautical sweater #2, Old Navy, $7

Nautical Sweater #3, Old Navy, $7

Sleeveless top, Old Navy, $21

Shorts, Old Navy, $15

Little Mermaid shirt, Rue 21, $20

Sandals, Skechers Outlet, $35

Here's what I got with the Target gift card:

Cocoon cardigan, Target, $22

Dot cardigan, Target, $12
Navy canvas flats, Target, $16

Not pictured (since I forgot about buying them. Oops!): Black and white Walmart chevron tank top (seen here)- $10 and green Walmart capris- $3

On the plus side, I did go for a few colorful items. Evidently, I really wanted blue and green and nautical items this month. Hmm, I didn't realize what a theme I had going, down to the Little Mermaid shirt. Maybe my shopping habits are secretly wishing I had a beach vacation planned this summer...

Linking with Budgeting Bloggers.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Sprite Skirt

Warning: you're about to see my face again. Heh. After not posting an actual outfit picture since December 20, I was ready to post something again. For some reason, I'm going a little link up crazy today too!

First, there's Inspiration Monday at two birds:

Printed, belted, swifted.

Second, I'm a little late to this party, but there's the Style Me April challenge at Dean Street Society:

Sunshine. Got it.

And finally, there's Style Imitating Art, hosted by Salazaar at 14 Shades of Grey this round: 

"Spring Rain" by Erté
Wait. Sunshine and rain? It's like a spring day in Tennessee!

So how do we combine all of those challenges into a super challenge? We use the Sprite skirt!

What is the Sprite skirt? It's a skirt that has the color and shapes found in Sprite's logo. I know it's random, but it's the only image I get when I see this rarely-worn skirt!

Judge for yourself:

Sprite Skirt, 3

See the lemon shapes in the skirt and the yellow/green tones? Or do you just see the skirt of a crazy person? ;-)

Here's the skirt and the rest of my outfit:

Sprite Skirt, 1

Smartphone pictures in the office during lunch. Sweet! I also tried to get a better shot of my green shoes. One of our maintenance men said he needs a pair! 

Sprite Skirt, 2

I match the painting in my office also. How's that for Style Imitating Art?

Sprite Skirt, 4

I've got my Inspiration Monday look going with the printed skirt and belted look. I've got my Style Me April look going with the yellow in my skirt, yellow earrings (that I didn't get a good shot of), and the overall spring/sunshiny look. I've got my Style Imitating Art look going with the lines in the skirt imitating the rain in the picture and the green (and by matching my painting ha ha). Are any of those too much of a stretch? I had all three of the linkups in mind when I was choosing my clothes last night. Any thoughts?

I've missed blogging! I got a few tips from Danielle at A Little Bit of WoWe about how to make the picture process easier (and how to have better quality pictures since they won't be taken with a phone camera under fluorescent lights!). If anyone else has tips about how they make blogging easier on themselves, please pass them along!

Now go enjoy a Sprite!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

March Yourself Out Of That Store Right Now!

Wow. That's the best title I could think of? ;-P

March was a rather spend-y month in our house. I don't know why but sometimes we just completely disregard our budget and spend like crazy! As you'll see from my list below, I contributed a lot to the crazy spending! Our first anniversary was in March (woo hoo!!!), and my generous husband gave me a $100 Old Navy card as an anniversary gift. I was so excited!! I shared a little of it with him, and he bought two new pairs of shorts. I'm a giver...

Outside of the gift card, I spent $148. That may not be a lot for some people's budgets, but that's way too much for me to spend on clothes in a month! To be fair, some of it was workout related and a couple of items were replacement items, but the rest were complete impulse buys. To top that off, my mom also cleaned out her closet and had eight bags of clothes for me to look through! I should be clothes rich for the next couple of months at least (ha!). 

Enough talking, let's see what that $248 brought home last month:

Nice light sweater that should work well into Spring
Men's workout shorts- love them because they're not super short!

Replacement shirt for one I decided to try to "modify"

Why don't I own more button downs?

Replacement flats- Burke's Outlet

Pink princess skirt!!
Not pictured: brown flats from Burke's Outlet, red and black hooded sweater from Burke's Outlet, black and orange workout pants from Burke's Outlet, light denim shirt from Walmart, black and white wrap dress from Walmart, purple Reeboks to replace workout shoes, and a black and pink polka dot shirt I bought at the Southern Women's Show. Phew!

The pink princess skirt was also from a booth at the Southern Women's Show. The store is called At Jollys, and the girl working in the booth (who I believe is in the picture too) was adorable! When my mom and I walked by it, the skirt caught my eye, and I just kept standing there and trying to justify paying $42 for it. I'm pretty cheap frugal, so that's a lot for one item of clothing! After talking to my mom and the employee, I realized that I usually spend that much on junk at the SWS, so I may as well spend wisely and get something I love. I also thought of at least five different combinations for it, so it wouldn't be unloved. I'm going to wear it on Easter and for a conference presentation in May too, so it's already going to have two outings. Also, I did spend way too much time thinking about a skirt! I guess that's better than just grabbing things without any thought!

I'm going to take a clothes shopping break in April and work on getting all of my other stuff organized, inventoried (idea from brynnash's blog), and cleaned out. I might even wear "the skirt" while I organize! Ha!

Linking up with Budgeting Bloggers!